Introducers — Financial Brokers

Financial Brokers introducers

Professional introducers will earn a marketing commission for any successful deals.

We are a bespoke business, insurance & property broker, that has a speciality with foreign nationals living within the UK.

One of the many great advantages of working with us includes having access to a range of international funders & insurers, who can help with speciality cases.
This could include overseas finance or policies, looking past credit ratings and providing a more competitive rate than other brokers have available.


Financial Brokers introducers welcome pack

To get more information about benefits of becoming Financial Brokers introducer please see Financial Brokers Introducers welcome pack. You will get the download link after filling our form below. Thanks!


    Why choose Financial Brokers?

    Expertly positioned to help you with all things finance, insurance and property related 24/7.

    • The UK's leading lending partner to foreign nationals.
    • A commitment to delivering the lowest prices available.
    • A focus on building relationships, offering valuable free advice & guidance.
    • Regulated by FCA & Member of NACFB.
    • We're available to take your call at your own convenience.
    • Agreements designed uniquely around your own needs.
    Bespoke advice